Welcome to 2014! It’s been exactly one week since New Years. What comes with New Years? New Year Resolutions, new goals, more ambition, more drive, and you wanting to become a better person. 90% of the goals is to lose weight and become healthier. How are you doing on your resolutions so far? Hitting the gym every day of this week? A calendar is just a calendar. Between December 31st & January 1st, you are not a different person. You don’t magically transform overnight. You do not develop magic skills overnight to conquer your goals. But “The New Year, New Me” idea can be a useful tool to motivate yourself to start doing something and actually change your life. The reason I am making this blog post is because I want you to succeed. My goal is to give you some great tips that and my perspective to help you in any way.
1) Get a partner. Get someone who will go to the
gym with you on a consistent basis. There is going to be a lot of days when you
do not want to go to the gym for numerous reasons. Some days just do not go
your way. You might be beat down from work or school. It is easy to give
yourself an excuse not to go to the gym. It is easy to give up and quit on yourself.
But it’s really hard to quit on someone
else. Don’t be that person, don’t let your gym partner down. Your partner is
relying on you even if you had a bad day. By having a partner, chances are, he/she
will drag you to the gym anyways. They will help you get through the workout. Return
the favor when your partner doesn’t want to go. Make sure that you are actually
being productive while at the gym and don’t slack off. Afterwards do not go eat
something unhealthy or drink sugary tea/coffee to ruin your results.
2) If you do have a problem, go workout anyways.
After working out, you will have a whole new and better perspective how to deal
with that problem. You will have so much more confidence, more energy, less
stress, and you will make a better decision because you now have a better
feeling of accomplishment. You will have a better outlook on the same problem
two hours later, trust me.
3) Don’t overwhelm yourself and expect to be perfect
on day 1. Habits become lifestyles. Work on developing good habits one at a
time. Don’t rush. When you overwhelm yourself, you will burn out quick, and
that’s a recipe for failure. On January 1st, lifting weights, eating
perfect, drinking a gallon of water, running 5 miles a day, and sleeping 8
hours is not realistic. All of those things add up quick, and coming from a lifestyle
of doing none of these to jumping into everything, expecting to be perfect, and
continuing on is extremely difficult. Imagine someone trying to write a book. It’s
a huge task. They do everything they can to subconsciously put it off. The
thought of writing a book is overwhelming. But if you focus on that one chapter
a month, those chapters will add up quick. You will keep going because you kept
feeding off your success. This is why having one goal at a time is important. Conquer
that goal and make it part of your lifestyle. Repeat the same process with the
next goal.
4) Track your results. This is imperative. When you
start living this lifestyle, you will see that this takes time and patience.
Trust the process. Ignore the infomercials on loosing ridiculous amounts of
weights in 2 weeks. There’s no such thing as “6 pack abs” in 6 minutes. Crash
diets are a joke. Easy come, easy go. If any of these gimmicks would work, two
thirds of our country would not be overweight. The beauty of this process is
that this is a marathon, not a sprint. You will look good after working out,
but it is a byproduct of something much more. It is much more important being
healthy, feeling good, having clear mind, and wanting to accomplish other
goals. If you are working out solely to impress other people, you are doing
yourself a disservice. Eating right and working out is a transformation of who
you are. You will become a better person, more knowledgeable, with more
confidence. This is especially a hard concept to gasp for me, as I imagine for
other pageant girls out there, but you have to work out for yourself. You can’t
have that “I want to look good in a bikini on stage” as a sole motivation to
lose weight. Be patient, sometimes results won’t come till 4-6 weeks. Let your
body adjust and heal itself before you will see the fruits of your
labor. As soon as you see results, it becomes exciting and no longer be a chore.
Working out will become a part of you and you will develop a passion for it.
You will be proud to call yourself a “gym
rat”. Take progress pictures. Track how much weight you can now lift. Those
tips will help your mind realize that you are making progress.
Doesn't matter who you are, or where are you starting, you
just have to start. Everyone at the gym is in there for the same reason, don’t feel
intimidated. We all started somewhere. We all have different history and
backgrounds. You can’t buy health but health is the foundation of your success
and well being. When you are feeling great, you want to go work on your skills/goals
instead of being a couch potato. You can’t buy a great body. You can’t buy
confidence. You can’t get that “high on life” feeling unless you achieve your
goal. Those things have to be earned. Remember that time will pass
either way, why not make it a year where you improve your mind, body, and soul?
Think about how many things you can do per day to improve yourself. Now times that
by 365 days. Try focusing on becoming 1% better every single day. Imagine where
you are going to be in year from now!
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